Welcome to Day 1,883.
Today is another heavy day for site news, so let's begin.
First up, in While & After news, the following updates have occurred:
- The blog entry "Dial "B" For Brutal" has posted to the Extra Sessions page, while part 3 of 'Weaseling' My Way Out Of Both Being Lectured And Disrupted has been converted into a non-menu website page
- Part 1 of "Dial "R" For Recon" has posted to the Sneak Leaks page, while the blog entry "It's Time For Aubrey Plaza To Be The Woman Of Steal…Again" has been converted into a non-menu website page
- Part 2 of "Dial "R" For Recon" has posted to the Miscellaneous page, while part 1 of "Mostly Idle Time Is Creativity's Playground" has been converted into a non-menu website page
In news pertaining to The S-Factor page, Steve Kaycee's eBay listing of the movie "True Lies (format DVD)" successfully sold.
In Bloopers news, that page and its manual counter have both updated.
And finally, in Land Of Infusion news, the following updates have occurred:
- Hail, Caesar! has finally found a home again within the Mega Movie Package, as it has been re-acquired by the Movie-Ocrity/Dishonorable Mention page, therefore it has been disqualified from both Tier 7 and Tier 12
- The Art Of Self-Defense has moved down three spots on the Already Assessed/Re-Assessed Vs. Pending Rookie Scale page, while also moving up three spots in Tier 12
- Following its re-assessment, Cyborg was placed in Tier 7
- Following their assessments, Bros, The Count Of Monte Cristo and Dark Crimes respectively placed 12th, 9th and 13th in Tier 12, therefore they have all been eliminated (at least temporarily) from Catch-22 Hundred contention. Plus, all three movies were also placed in Tier 7
Well, that's all for now.
Thank you and until next time, you have tuned into The Nog.